Sunday 30 November 2014

No Racism, Ferguson encounter was an accident.

Picture shows a no racism behaviour in Michael Brown's mishap. An African-American boy holding a "Free Hugs" sign stood crying in front of a police barricade at a Ferguson rally in Portland. A white police officer motioned for him to come closer. The officer then asked the boy for a hug — and they embraced, the boy's anguished face streaming with tears.

In Portland, both the boy and the officer — 12-year-old Devonte Hart and Portland Police Sgt. Bret Barnum — took unusual steps when they met on Tuesday.

The boy's mother Jennifer Hart, who is white, wrote on social media that her son had been struggling with issues of police brutality and racism.  Devonte is one of six children adopted by Hart and her wife, Sarah Hart of West Linn, a suburb of Portland.

A day after the decision on officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, the Harts went downtown "with the intention of spreading love and kindness" by holding signs such as "You Matter" and "Free Hugs," Jennifer Hart said. The family then joined the nearby Ferguson rally.

Source: Yahoo News

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